As long as Aya is in a realm with magic present, she heals wounds extremely quickly. Cuts/bruises heal within seconds, major wounds take a few hours. However, she herself can only regenerate minor missing limbs in the span of multiple days. Losing an arm or a leg would mean they’re gone for good, but fingers etc. can be restored.
Master Artisan
Despite her young age, the girl is ridiculously competent in everything regarding crafting, building, repairing, and engineering. This includes, but is not limited to: Carpenting, Metalworks, Tailoring, Clockworks and all kinds of machinery.
Aya has her own personal symbol that is added to every creation of hers - a bird in flight, depicted to the right.
In the same way she regenerates herself, Aya can also regenerate others. This ability even overrides the usual anti-effects of certain races and people, causing even those who are usually harmed by healing to be able to receive the beneficial effects of Aya. When using this ability on others, Aya can even fully restore missing limbs and revive someone… however at a steep price. Rejuvenation is fueled by her lifeforce, with the strain on her exponentially increasing depending on what she’s performing.
Light/heavy wounds - slight exhaustion, not a big deal.
Missing limbs/multiple heavy wounds - strong drain, with Aya usually falling unconscious or asleep from the strain, along with her body temperature dropping to the minimum.
Revival - requires her own life in exchange. A one-to-one deal.
(All of these are OOC permission based.)